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Robotics Courses

Learn Robotics, earn certificates with free online courses from The University of Sheffield, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, MIT and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.

190 courses
Showing 190 courses
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  1. Level
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    • FutureLearn
    • 3 hours a week, 3 weeks long
    • Self paced
    • Free Online Course (Audit)
    • Udacity
    • 8 weeks long
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course
    • Coursera
    • 18 hours worth of material, 4 weeks long
    • 6th Feb, 2023
    • Free Online Course (Audit)
    • YouTube
    • 19 hours worth of material
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course
    • YouTube
    • Less than 1 hour of material
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course
    • Coursera
    • 11 hours worth of material, 4 weeks long
    • 6th Feb, 2023
    • Free Online Course (Audit)
    • Coursera
    • 33 hours worth of material, 4 weeks long
    • 13th Feb, 2023
    • Free Online Course (Audit)
    • YouTube
    • 1-2 hours worth of material
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course
    • YouTube
    • Less than 1 hour of material
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course
    • YouTube
    • Less than 1 hour of material
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course
    • Coursera
    • 19 hours worth of material, 4 weeks long
    • 6th Feb, 2023
    • Free Online Course (Audit)
    • Coursera
    • 15 hours worth of material, 4 weeks long
    • 13th Feb, 2023
    • Free Online Course (Audit)
    • YouTube
    • 8 hours worth of material
    • On-Demand
    • Free Online Course

कभी सीखना मत छोड़ो।

वैयक्तिकृत पाठ्यक्रम अनुशंसाएँ प्राप्त करें, अनुस्मारक के साथ विषयों और पाठ्यक्रमों को ट्रैक करें, और बहुत कुछ।